Bird mississippi kite
Bird mississippi kite

bird mississippi kite

When they arrive here to breed, they've already paired. More: Why some Canada geese don't migrate, and how homeowners can deal with them While little is known about their exact wintering habitat preferences, the birds have been documented moving through Brazil and Bolivia into Argentina-surely qualifying them as long-distance fliers. Kites typically return from central South America in mid-May. Parker, retired University of Maine professor who has studied kites more than 45 years, came to visit when the first Posey County report tweaked his curiosity. Numerous reports this summer, clustered in four fairly distinct areas, suggest at least four breeding pairs in the area. Since then, the birds have multiplied here. In 2007, the first nesting pair created a wave of excitement among Vanderburgh County birders. Sleek, graceful, pearly-gray 15-inch-long falcon-like birds with three-foot wingspans, black tails and red eyes - Mississippi kites, as the name suggests, typically inhabit southern climes. View Gallery: Southern Indiana is birders' delight

Bird mississippi kite